Topics were exam focused and faculty well selected…

Topics were exam focused and faculty well selected…

“The course in December 2016 was a godsend. I especially enjoyed your lectures and quiz on anatomy and oncology. At the start of the course you told us that it is impossible to cover the whole of orthopaedics in a short course, but you certainly managed to cover a great deal of that. Topics covered are very exam focused and the faculty are well selected. I honestly do not remember encountering any big topics in my exam that weren’t already covered in your course.”

Course Delegate (2016)

Postgraduate FRCS Tr & Orth Course - MRC Oxford 2025

Course Delegate (2016)

“The course in December 2016 was a godsend. I especially enjoyed your lectures and quiz on anatomy and oncology. At the start of the course you told us that it is impossible to cover the whole of orthopaedics in a short course, but you certainly managed to cover a great deal of that. Topics covered are very exam focused and the faculty are well selected. I honestly do not remember encountering any big topics in my exam that weren’t already covered in your course.”